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A United Cats Web Page


Born in the Canadian wild lands near Niagara Falls, Doug (a.k.a. United Cats,) was abandoned in the woods at a tender age and raised by Bobcats. For many long years he survived on a bland but robust (thus typically Canadian) diet of pine cones, while he learned to love the ways of the forest and his fine feline friends. At the age of 13 he was fortuitously discovered by a troop of Mounties who were searching for a lost van carrying an American high school football team who tragically had failed to heed the admonitions to "don't drive off the road, eh?" Canadian experts were unable to make any progress with a child whose entire vocabulary consisted of the word "Meow." He was then taken to California where relays of experts from the California educational system attempted for many years to re integrate him into society. This web site is a testament to their success.

After graduating from a bay area High School Doug worked for a while at a local horse polishing firm, and attended a fine selection of junior colleges. Seeking wider horizons, and ignoring the well intended advice of his friends, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He was stationed in Texas and then in San Jose, California. Feeling that this was not exactly what he had in mind, Doug and the Marine Corps agreed to part ways. A decision no doubt made easier on both parts by an unfortunate incident involving an errant missile and a whale.

Doug then decided to explore the world from A-Z. He started in Australia and vigorously investigated the local flora and fauna, at this time discovering and photographing the largest domestic cat on the planet. To save time he skipped to the end of the alphabet and explored New Zealand. In this rainy land he pioneered research on "How to tell the weather by petting your cat." Doug then returned to California and continued his education at the University of California at Davis.

Doug spent the following years living in a number of western states while he worked on his 12 volume magnum opus: A History of Housecats and Their Vices. Despairing in his efforts to find a publisher who would even read, let alone publish, this work, he was forced to resort to the electronic media to carry out his life long mission of "A cat in every house and a house for every cat." Please join United Cats in their quest to make the world a better place for everyone.

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